At Phases Chinese Medicine Clinic 軒醫堂, we specialize in treating pain, Men and Women's Health, Skin Conditions, Autoimmune diseases, stress, and digestive disorders using Traditional Chinese Medicine Methods.
We take a holistic approach to healthcare, focusing on the mind-body connection and the balance of energy within the body. Our treatments are designed for individuals to promote healing from within and restore balance to the body.
Dr. Hsuan (Christy) Chao is a caring and approachable practitioner with a great passion for Chinese Medicine. She is the sixth generation of TCM doctors in her family, which evokes her curiosity and passion for Chinese Medicine. She utilises her knowledge and skills in a holistic and individualised approach.
She has a special interest in cosmetic facial acupuncture, pain management, mental health, gynaecology, infertility, and IVF support.
Christy is a Doctor of Chinese Medicine registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and is an accredited member of the Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association (AACMA).
She graduated with a 5-year double Bachelor’s degree in Health Science and Applied Science in Chinese Medicine with distinctions from RMIT University.
She also completed a clinical internship at the Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Nanjing, China.
Dr. Christy is fluent in both English and Mandarin.
她以優異的成績畢業於皇家墨爾本理工大學,並獲得了健康科學和中醫應用科學的 5 年制雙學士學位並且在中國南京的江蘇省中醫院完成了臨床實習。
服務項目包含美容臉部針灸、運動傷害、心理健康、皮膚問題、消化問題、婦科、不孕症和IVF Support等。
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